Monday, November 15, 2004

A Superior Sunset

A Superior Sunset
Originally uploaded by CaptPiper.
OK, so I've gotten into Flickr, and I like the community aspect of it. Today I was looking at the sun pictures and happened across a woman's photos that were really beautiful, and she had a link to her blog yadda yadda. Anyway, she has an election day post talking about her election day anxiety. "It felt like a Twilight Zone Christmas because instead of wondering what St. Nicolas brought, you wonder whether it was Santa or Satan who visited your house last night." I can totally sympathize. And then, oh, wasn't she relieved when she learned that Santa had been there! Wow, I had no idea. I should be soooo thankful!

But really, all my warm fuzzy flickr feelings disappeared, and I thought "Wolf in Sheeps clothing!" Who is this imposter. This Judas posing as an Artiste. But then, her pictures were, grumble grumble...

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