Thursday, January 29, 2009

Call your Representative today

Here is the complete report.

This table was taken from Moody's and it shows how a every dollar the government spends cuts, say, translates to $1.03 into the economy (wow, what an investment!) while $1 into infrastructure spending = $1.59 into the economy. The things will do the least for the economy are the things that the Republicans are pushing for and the things that will do the most are the things that the Nellies (Nellie the Elephant? Get it?) are ridiculing the Dems for--money for food stamps, transportation, family planning...

The watered down stimulus package has passed the House and is on the way to the Senate. Call or write your Senators if you want to see more infrastructure spending. It's easy! Trust me; I do it all the time!

Find your Senator

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