So, I feel like I've been negligent in keeping up with the political side of my blog. I think that I am just holding my breath, waiting for this administration to go away, waiting for mid-term elections. I was looking up Bush's rating (maybe just making sure that they were still in the toilet, and found this article.
OK, so at the intersection of politics and pop culture...the Dixie Chicks coming documentary. I am very close to buying the Chicks current album. I have a friend that gives it out for gifts all the time. She likes it, but there is something very political about that act. I have to say that I'm not a huge fan, but I did get chills watching them perform Not Ready to Make Nice on VH1 Storytellers (must watch clip in IE). I know I'm a total sap. Yep, I'm just a sentimental fool, easily swayed by trite harmonies and rebellious yet uplifting lyrics.
I also wanted to mention that you (meaning George) can now sign receive my blog through bloglines. Yippeee! Lemme know if the link doesn't work.
I am in RSS heaven. My life is now complete.
Awww, I'm so glad that I could play a hand in completion of your life.
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