Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Instead of Trusting Us to Make Decisions With Our Own Money..."

Last night after watching the State of the Union, I commented on how Obama is a breath of fresh air (trite, but I really think it's the best way to put it.) And today I tainted my air, by listening to the republican rebuttal. (Have you noticed how the Nellies are falling all over themselves to get people of color to speak for them these days?) I'll sum up the following video for you:
  • Members of the Republican party also have parents who were from a far off land
  • The Republicans also want to be bi-partisan
  • The Stimulus Bill is too full of stimulus
  • Nellies want people to have the option to pay for their own Health Care
  • Nellies are against corruption
  • And finally: The best government is no government!

    I really loved this gem: America is great in evidenced by the fact that "We defeated the Soviet menace". Really? Are they trying to evoke some kind of superhero image? Let me ponder this for a moment...

    Ooooh, my heroes! I do like the Republicans better now. They just need to find a Wonder Woman who can reminds us of how heroic we were when we conquered the Nazis with our invisible airplane and truth lasso. That would be hot.

    But I thought the real topper was the meme about government should leave "us" along to do with our money what we please. I wonder if this us is the us that flushed the banking system down the toilet. Or maybe it was just the less important uses that put all of our life savings into the stock market to get flushed down the toilet. Or is it the uses who don't have any life savings and are struggling to pay their monthly mortgage. I could go on and on, but I think the uses that he's talking about are wealthy business owners who have money in over-seas accounts and have private health insurance whose kids go to private schools and who don't want to see their taxes increase in order to increase access to decent schools and public transportation for others. But...that's just me.

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