Friday, November 17, 2006

Demo Revolution

I feel quite remiss that I haven't mentioned anything about the recent election. But maybe that's just because I don't care? OK, maybe that's a bit much, but I think I do feel a bit heavy hearted that the Democratic party is now going to be responsible for cleaning up the republican mess of the last 6 years. Before that even, considering that Clinton was a "moderate" with a Republican congress. (Thanks for NAFTA!)

OK, so now we have to balance the budget, clean up the environment, get out of Iraq, make peace with Iran and North Korea...and we don't even have the executive branch! We're just going to get the flack if things don't shape up.

So, pardon me if I'm not joining the ticker-tape parade. I'm not leaving my bunker until I see how this travesty is going to play out.

I am happy that Nancy Pelosi is going to be Speaker. Just two bullets away...

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