As an ardent fan of Kissing Jessica Stein (my go-to movie to pop in when I'm feeling down. Well, that and Imagine Me and You--"Number Niiiiine", but that's another story), so from time to time I wonder to myself, "What is Jennifer Westfeldt doing?" And sometimes I see her on Jon Hamm's arm at an award show and I wonder, "Yeah, but what the hell is Jennifer doing?" The answer is this:
I will watch almost all romantic comedies, excepting ones with Reece Witherspoon (Kevin Smith ruined her for me) and Jennifer Lopez (don't ask, I don't have an even a tenuous explanation for that one). But there are soooo few good ones (I'm still recommending It's Complicated and The Proposal to people). So, I won't necessarily get my hopes up too high, but Maya Rudolph?, Kristen Wiig? C'mon! And Jennifer wrote and directed this, so just based on the principal of supporting a sistah (not the gay kind, just the lady kind), this might be an opening weekend watch. Jennifer Siebel Newsom, director of Miss Representation said "Go see movies that are written, directed and produced by women on the opening weekend." That is where we can affect change in what gets produced, not by renting the movie from Redbox! (And then go rent it from your local video store when it comes out on dvd.)