Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Boycott Fox Broadcasting Company

The time has come. It's not just that the Fox Broadcasting Company has this one channel that caters to the right wing, it's that the owners and operators of the Fox Broadcasting Company have an operation (Fox "News") that has absolutely NO interest in or relationship with the truth and, in fact, engender precisely the opposite. They trade in tirades and lies. They rile up their "base" to generate cash flow for the wealthy of their party and to make themselves feel powerful--which may also incite people to murder. But, who cares about that. They're not responsible for anything, because they're just "entertainers"--when it's a convenient moniker. And it's not just the news channel. Fox was the only network that opted not to air Obama's 3rd press conference. They went with their scheduled program, "Lie to Me", instead.

I know that a lot of people want to boycott Fox for many reasons--"The Family Guy" is insulting, Fox didn't let Ron Paul participate in the debates, Fox insulted Canada's military (?!)--but the real grievance that they have done to the world is to dispense lies, propaganda and incitements to violence under the guise of news. Package it as NEWS and give their vitriol an air of credibility and respectability. Call their product "news" and providing a cover to people's prejudice and willful ignorance. "It must be true, I saw it on the NEWS!"

At the very least, Fox should take the word "News" out of everything affiliated with the Fox "News" channel. And at best (Well, sort of best. Short of pulling the plug on the whole thing...) their shows would be required to state retractions, make clarifications, and tell the truth! I can't even pick just one example, but think Sotomayor's recent slandering.

No More "American Idol", no more "House, no more "American Dad", or whatever your cup of tea is. Fox needs to grow up and start helping to foster a good democracy and a good society, not tear it down. Whenever you turn on the Fox channel, you are supporting Fox News.

Visit the Fox News watchdog here for more evidence of malfeasance.